Monday, January 31, 2011


planets orbit the sun.
forms orbit the mind.
--365 tao, day 31


  1. Wow, the music is fantastic! Romanian Gypsy punk doesn't begin to describe them. Your photography leans that way, too.

  2. okatb-interesting observation. i agree. i've often thought that i want to take the photographic equivalent of some of the music i like. things might get weird.

  3. kirk-close. halogen bulb with the sun shining thru from the back. it's supposed to be in the track light, but the socket blew.

  4. Yesterday while trying(unsuccessfully) to unstop the kitchen sink I noticed the sun coming in the window then through a pale blue bottle and reflecting off some oil floating on top of the awful mess and I thought of you and your camera and I wanted to get a picture to post. But I failed.:(

  5. tag-i would have liked to have seen that shot. i miss so many photo ops, it makes me crazy. happens when i'm driving (camera in trunk), or just when i HAVE to leave the house, or i'm just too damn slow. arrghhhh!
