Friday, January 8, 2010

i like to laugh

in keeping with my commitment to saving the world through general silliness, i bring you this.


  1. Who knew....I had no idea Hugh Laurie could sing or was funny. And I recognize that other British dude too. Funny.

  2. me neither! when i found this (and multiple other clips of their sketches) i was amazed. also entertained for about an hour past my bedtime!

  3. Thanks standing. I enjoy these two immensely. I used one of their clips on Sunday Funnies a few weeks ago. Mr Nippl-e. Along with Monty Python some of the best in Brit com.

  4. May I join you in your commitment.
    WV = sewhi; I always wandered how those hog callers spelled that.

  5. "A Bit of Fry and Laurie" was very popular on the BBC. i didn't realize that it was Hugh Laurie who played House. I don't watch the show.

  6. tag-always happy to have another committed, card-carrying member of the not-so-secret society of the sagaciously silly! you're in.
    i remebered your clip and noodled around in there. i used to watch "house", had no idea hugh laurie had such comedic talent.
