Tuesday, January 5, 2010

walking the line

in life, we balance.
or we fall.
and then we rebalance.
all balance comes from the core.
physical, emotional, mental, spiritual.
we move, think, breathe from the
center, out.
or we fall.
and then we rebalance.


  1. I love this video. I've seen it before, but it was fun to view juxtaposed with your 'walking the line' ode to balance and the strange balance that was set up by the wind on that dune. Nice job.

  2. kass-thank you. your comment started me on a train of thought. i began to wonder how much time folks spend on putting together a post. this one was a very quick and dirty effort, as are most of mine.(very short attention span!)
    how long does it take you?

  3. Very yogic poem. Balance and rebalance should be easy, but for many it is not. Yoga makes balance a habit. When the body is balanced the mind follows suit, and usually vice versa, or so I've found after some 40 years of yoga.

  4. june-i did this one after teaching 2 yoga classes this morning. for me, balance, in all domains, is an ongoing process. the calibrations are continuous, as i change. all fine tuning!
    it's a pleasure to have a fellow yogini around!

  5. The time it takes me to compose posts varies. The ones I write quite quickly usually get the most comments. Wierd, huh?

  6. kass-this just confirms my lifelong suspicion that going with the first thought, impulse, direction, is the truest. it just doesn't pay to think too much!

  7. perfect balance is boring need 70%good & 30% mischief ;-)

    So true, we aim for balance, we balance, we lose the balance and then we re-balance… such is the wonder of life and our path to remember who we really are.
    Yoga teach us a lot about that.

    Nice poem


  8. I particularly liked this post. It is so true that it hardly needs comment. I also agree with Kass. The comments seem to be in inverse proportion to the amount of time I spend on them. Reminds me of being a weather forecaster in that my forecast accuracy was not necessarily associated with how much time I spent analyzing the data. Go with the gut feeling. This also ties in with June's post yesterday about the I ching...

  9. I love the way a discussion is set up with comments sometimes. This is a great post and interesting comments. There is more of our on-going discussion on my blog. Did you realize Tag had another blog that is spiritual. Check it out - pretty interesting.

  10. tag-sometimes the less thought, the better!
    gj-yes, i'm enjoying the discussion tremendously. it's my idea of fun. see you at your blog.

  11. And a great photograph as well. The plank that walks up into the scorched hills. What side are you on? Or do you walk the line?

  12. okatb-thank you. means a lot coming from one of such talent. no sides. all sides.
